An Instagram Worthy Breakfast for Bon Appetit & Moen

If you're tuned into Natty Style, you already know of my devotion to healthy food and making it look pretty. So when Bon Appetit magazine approached me to style their gorgeous test kitchen, I almost dropped my phone replying with an overly emphatic YES!! The 5 issue series celebrates Moen's style-y and functional faucets according to each issue's theme.

For March, the theme was "Millennial Culture". The first thing I think of in terms of millennials and their food is that we always INSTAGRAM IT! Dishes, glasswear and even appliances have gone from purely functional, to the center of attention as we treat our meals like Paparazzi treat celebrities: discreetly snapping shots at the table. With that in mind, I selected a bunch of charming and Insta-Worthy tablewear to accompany Moen's sleek designs for this breakfast spread. 

Pick up a copy of the March issue of Bon Appetit for a closer look, and stay tuned to future issues for more Natty Style + Moen for Bon Appetit! (Plus an exciting behind the scenes video coming to the site soon... :-D)