Getting Glam with TONI&GUY for Refinery29

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m pretty low maintenance (read: lazy) when it comes to my hair. I don’t dye it, I trim my own bangs as much as possible, and I rarely do much more than a messy top-knot or a ponytail when it comes to styling. So when Refinery29 asked me to get glammed up with TONI&GUY for their Hair Meet Wardrobe project, I jumped at the chance to get out of my comfort zone. Using a whole bunch of their runway ready products, the experts at TONI&GUY showed me how to twist and tack my hair into an elaborate up do that even I could attempt. The result was a very old Hollywood, vintage feeling pin-up look that was about as far from my usual mop as possible. [CLICK HERE] to learn how to pull off this glamorous style and 2 other equally awesome looks!