15 Things I ALWAYS Have in My Carry-On


Tis the season for travel! But let’s be honest, being bicoastal means that it's basically always travel season in this house. To streamline my travel prep, I always keep a pouch of my travel essentials packed and ready to go at a moment’s notice.

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From the best beauty refreshers, to the supplements I can’t leave home without - check out my 15 favorite helpers to get you through a long flight.

1. Rescue Remedy Natural Stress Relief Drops

I’m not an anxious traveler, but I love to really wind down once I’m in my seat. Rescue Remedy’s Natural Stress Relief Drops are tasteless and easy to drop under the tongue for immediate relaxation. Thank you natural flower-power!

2. Yuni Beauty Shower Sheets

When a shower isn’t available, these are the next best thing. They smell like a dream and are completely biodegradable!

3. Whish Deodorant Swipes

Long flights can leave you feeling less than fresh. These puppies will fix that!

4. Sunday Forever Mini Coconut Perfume

When I get off the plane, I like to freshen up using the two items above. But the final touch comes with a spritz of a perfume I love. I’ve taken to simply packing perfume samples for the most travel friendly size of all! But Sunday Forever makes a darling little coconut rollerball that smells like insta-vacay. 

5. Redd Remedies Turmeric Chews

I pop a couple of turmeric every time I fly to reduce swelling and bloating. This brand is blended to be fully bioavailable, and conveniently chewable.

6. This Works Sleep Plus Trouble Shooter

This time released spray combines pure essential oils for sleep with Multifruit Acids, Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate skin while calming you down. Plus it’s just a nice smelling little treat up in the air.

7. Ginger People’s Ginger Chews

Nobody wants to talk about it, but airplanes can cause certain... disruptions to your digestive system. Prevent and combat any discomfort with a potent ginger chewable, basically nature's form of Gas-Ex.

8. Earthen Warrior Silk Eye Mask

You might think it’s nap time, but your neighbor with control over the window shades may think differently. BYO eye-mask, every time no matter what if you’re serious about getting any shuteye. I’m OBSESSED with the gorgeous handmade ones over at Earthen Warrior. They’re also soft and silky so they won’t leave lines on your face!

9. Lively Up Your Breath! Chewables

These all natural capsules pop in your mouth and go so far beyond what gum or a breath mint can do…

10. Cell Charger

Now that most planes have outlets, make sure you’ve got your charger! Nothing is worse than landing on empty. I also recommend the AWAY's carry-on luggage because they include a removable charger that can be a total life saver!

11. Korres Hand Cream

It’s dry up there! Keep your hands from looking like Gollum by bringing your own moisturizer. I love Korres for because it’s toxin free and incredibly emollient. Yuni makes a great travel sized one also.

12. Tide To-Go Pen

I. Spill. Everything. And when washing up isn’t an option, this little pen is a total lifesaver.

13. DoTERRA On-Guard Beadlets

These are a delicious little immunity booster, easy to pop on the go without water.

14. Emergen-C Packet

 I don’t love how much sugar these have, but I do love how easy they are to pack. Everyone needs an immunity boost when you’re in a plane. Here are some alternatives to consider if you don’t mind carrying a tube.

15. Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee

If the airplane coffee is too horrible or non-existent, grab a cup of hot water and mix in a little adaptogenic magic for a wellness boost that goes beyond caffeine.



Thank you Bach for coming to my RESCUE, and sponsoring my healthy travel habits and this post :-)