
French Bread: The Difference with Gluten in Europe vs US

French Bread: The Difference with Gluten in Europe vs US

Written for Public Goods

Have you ever traveled to Europe and discovered that your food sensitivities evaporate? Turns out, even beyond gluten, there’s more to French bread than meets the eye and it may explain a whole lot about our own issues on American soil…

How & Where To Do A Mental Spring Cleanse

How & Where To Do A Mental Spring Cleanse

Anyone else feel a little antsy or anxious this time of year? Like a butterfly ready to break out of that tightly wound chrysalis, but unsure how to harness this energy in a positive way? Here are a few of my favorite helpers to get me “unstuck” and springing into action.

A Beginners Guide to Ayurvedic Everything

A Beginners Guide to Ayurvedic Everything

Want to know if this ancient Indian principle of living is worth the hype? I asked my dear friend Rebecca Parekh (who along with being half Indian also happens to the former COO of Deepak Chopra, founder and CEO of soon-to-be epic wellness center, The Well) to shed some light. 

15 Athliesure Essentials for Athletics, Leisure & Travel

15 Athliesure Essentials for Athletics, Leisure & Travel

I’m usually either hopping a plane, train or automobile, headed to Buti Yoga or a meditation class or using my boutique gym as an office. Because I’m always on the go and living out of bags in between, my workout gear must do double duty.

Check out my fall favorites that’ll take you on from running errands to a run or (airport) runway.

Global Inspiration for A Life Well Lived

Global Inspiration for A Life Well Lived

If you've been following Natty Style for a while, you know how much this girl loves to travel. As I continue my quest for a life well lived through mindful practices and conscious consumption - expect to see more of my global (and local!) inspiration through video.